Fighting for Feminism or 7 things that made me think and cry

The internet has been awash with amazing articles about feminism and gender recently. I wanted to make a little round-up of the best articles and blog posts I have read recently.

1. How to Spot a Misogynist

Actually, spotting a misogynist often doesn’t need directions. They are the ones with no respect for women and no value for equality. But sometimes, they pretend to be on our side, or try and make us feel like we are making a big fuss over nothing. This brilliant article is really How to Spot a Misogynist by the 5 classic lies they tell. And what is brilliant is that it gives you the comebacks you need to invalidate that misogynistic viewpoint we always hear the minute we say we are feminists. It’s great to try and explain to potential misogynists how a. they have misunderstood feminism and b. it is not their right to define how we are oppressed: it’s ours.

To read that article (and you should), it is here:

2. Stop saying I have a boyfriend to deflect unwanted attention

Many of us are guilty of this, aren’t we? I have used most of these: ‘I have a boyfriend’, ‘I’m a lesbian’ (which actually turned out to be true) and so on. Why do we either have to completely renounce men or refer to some other man for anyone to believe that we are not interested. This article made me decide that any time I get asked out, I should just be clear and honest and say I am not interested. 

Male privilege is “I have a boyfriend” being the only thing that can actually stop someone from hitting on you because they respect another male-bodied person more than they respect your rejection/lack of interest.

Read this article here:

3. Everyone has a closet – including straight people – and coming out of it is always hard!

This video made me cry this morning. It is a Tedx talk by a woman who answers a question posed to her by a four year old girl about ‘whether she is a boy or a girl’. Not only is this a kick-ass way of explaining gender performance to a child, she also talks about how any kind of coming out is hard and what it does to your brain if you hug your identity grenade to your chest in the closet.

It will change your life.

4. Doc Brown on Page 3

As if I couldn’t love Doc Brown enough. Now he explains why he need feminism for his daughters and why he opposes Page 3. I saw this guy at Latitude a couple of years ago and the guy is an incredible artist. This will make your heart smile.

5. On rejecting the Dowry system

I really didn’t know how alive and kicking the dowry system still is in India until I was living there. So many of my friends told me horror stories about bride burnings and blackmail – and how strong you have to be to stand up to your parents, your groom and their family to walk away from a marriage or engagement – that I couldn’t believe it. Gender violence is endemic in India – with crazy disproportionate male: female ratios due to female infanticide. It is important that there are messages of support for all the women that face these difficult situations and hopefully give them strength to get out of these situations.

5 Important #Advice for Women Being Blackmailed for #Dowry

6. And Lisa Kudrow being awesome. 

I haven’t seen this TV programme but Lisa Kudrow’s speech puts the whole political system in place in a few words. There hasn’t been anything this good since CJ Cregg.

‘Are you saying that Governor Reston is sexist?” the interviewer questions.’

Yes. I am. And it’s not just Governor Reston speaking in code about gender. It’s everyone, yourself included. The only reason we’re doing this interview in my house is because you requested it. This was your idea. And yet here you are, thanking me for inviting me into my “lovely home.” That’s what you say to the neighbor lady who baked you chocolate chip cookies. This pitcher of iced tea isn’t even mine. It’s what your producers set here. Why? Same reason you called me a “real live Cinderella story.” It reminds people that I’m a woman without using the word.

Watch that here because it’s awesome:

7. Finally – Hunger Games with Cats. Because you should leave on a high.